
Skyrim: Dawnguard Review XBOX 360

The world is a vampire.

by Ryan McCaffrey 6/28 2012

Don’t accuse The Elder Scrolls of selling out to the modern-day pop-culture
vampire craze. The venerable role-playing series has been in the
blood-sucking business for years, and so there’s nothing to forgive when
Dawnguard, the first expansion pack for endless epic Skyrim, boasts a
vampire-centric premise. In fact, you’ll be thankful Dawnguard went down
this road.



That’s primarily because the new campaign – accessed at character level 10
or higher either by talking to city guards or meeting a courier – is
effectively two games in one. As you delve deeper into the mystery of a
vampire plague loosed upon Tamriel, you’ll be recruited by an ancient group
of vampire hunters known as the Dawnguard – and you’ll have the option to
either fight against the neck-biters or become one of them. I chose the
former for my first play-through and plowed through in about eight hours, but
that was with my high-level, high-damage Redguard warrior who didn’t need to
spend time journeying to cities to buy or sell items. Your playtime may vary,
but an average of 10-12 hours is a reasonable expectation. Double it to check
out the other, far more interesting pro-vampire side and you’ve got a
compelling package for $20. If it feels short, it’s only because the core
Skyrim is almost infinitely long.


In joining the Dawnguard faction, the expansion pack starts a bit slow. The
new areas you encounter aren’t particularly interesting to look at aside
from a few pretty caves, but even those are a bit puzzling to navigate –
 unexpected after most Skyrim dungeons provide a quick way out after you
reach the end of them.


Things ramp up as you progress, however, leading to several breathtaking
battles. One highlight took place in an open arena against a dragon and a
plethora of skeletons. Under the heavy rain and darkened skies of the Storm
Call dragon shout, lighting bolts cracked down upon the undead warriors,
turning them into dust all around me as I dueled the dragon. Another great
scene set on a frozen lake sees you take on two dragons as they dive-bomb
through the ice and rocket back out near you. And still another memorable
moment takes place near the end of the campaign, where I, an ally, her two
summons, and my two summons (one of which was a dragon) went toe-to-toe
against a massive throng of foes on a bridge. It’s just too bad the
framerate chugs during these chaotic climaxes.


(譯按:有點不確定framerate chug是不是指lag。但光聽這個大場面就覺得...)

The more unique half of the game is the vampire half – a fact the game doesn
’t even try to hide by repeatedly offering you chances to get turned into
one of the bloodsuckers. This branch of the story is wildly different than
its more traditional Skyrim counterpart, largely thanks to the new vampiric
powers. Chief among them is the ability to turn into a Vampire Lord, which is
much more fun than the lycanthropy quest line you may have already completed
in Skyrim. You can float around, transform into a cloud of bats, and of
course feed on human victims. It’s much more empowering than the existing
werewolf abilities, and it’s got its own perk tree to boot.

更特別的另外一半遊戲體驗是吸血鬼的那一半 ──遊戲毫不掩飾地不停問你「想不想變成吸血鬼呀?好嘛好嘛變啦變啦變啦!」這部分的故事分支與傳統的五代故事有很大的不同,大部分來自新的吸血鬼異能。加入他們得到變身成吸血鬼王的能力,比你在本片的狼人任務線裡玩到的有趣多了。你可以飄來飄去,變身成一群蝙蝠,當然還有,吸人類的血。比目前擁有的狼人能力強大多了,而且還有一整個技能術讓你可以強化喔。

Dawnguard is not without its technical quirks – I saw numerous instances of
serious clipping as well as some frustrating world map waypoint weirdness
while playing on a final retail copy of the game – but nothing stopped my
progress or truly impeded my fun.


Dawnguard is neither as meaty nor as cohesive as Shivering Isles, its
Oblivion expansion pack counterpart, but then again it’s not as expensive
either. The other issue, as with any Elder Scrolls add-on content, is
usefulness. When you get 100-plus hours of gameplay out of the box, do you
really want to spend another $20 for 20-or-so more? That’s up to you, but
Dawnguard is certainly worth the investment.






Presentation 呈現

Dawnguard retains Skyrim’s intuitive, user-friendly interface – though now
you can use Kinect to effectively add more hotkeys if you like.






This world is still a pretty one to look at, though the new areas –
particularly the large Soul Cairn netherworld –range from same-y to bland
and dull. The framerate drops are annoying.

遊戲中的世界仍然非常美麗,雖然那些新的區域──特別是那一大區Soul Cairn──


(譯按:Soul Cairn的場景連結中有圖,作者表示除非你很喜歡紫色...)


Sound 音效

We didn’t hear any new music, and the same crop of familiar voice actors
return for extra duty.


Gameplay 遊玩

More newness awaits on the vampire side of things, but big, incredible
battles await either way.



Lasting Appeal 耐玩度

It’s at least eight hours per play-through, and Dawnguard is easily worth
replaying to see both story threads.



8分 很棒 Great
(out of 10, not an average)



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